New tool: What’s your prognosis?

Friends– has posted a combination electronic tool for doctors and other clinicians to use to get an idea about how long you or Mom or Dad might live, given your health and a number of other factors.

You might even be able to try the tools yourself, although I’d guess it is pretty risky if you don’t know the terms and nuances.

The tool is here:

Who is GeriPal? Their “about” page makes them look legit, but you might want to check them out. Maybe somebody local can tell us what they know about these folks. It seems to be a discourse site on all things about elder healthcare and hospice. They say they are an outgrowth of the University of California San Francisco.

Here’s what I see about such a tool: in the hands of a knowledgeable person, this could free people to make better decisions for themselves and their loved ones. If chances are you have only months, why keep pricking your fingers for your diabetes testing? If you are like me and want hospice as soon as possible (not just the last 3 days, please!) then this can help you, your family and doctors decide when to bring hospice in.

I see all sorts of opportunities to live more fully at the end of life, if we have some idea how things are going for us….

:- Doug.

About dgermann

Elder Caring Lawyer
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