Lonely? What does it mean?

What does it mean to an elder to be lonely? Does it mean to be abandoned by family and friends? To have spouse and children die?

Does it mean to have friends unable to get over to visit? Does it mean friends who can no longer hear, nor see, nor remember? Does it mean to be angry with them for abandoning you?

Does it mean not being able to communicate with younger people because they do not know the things your knew, they know things you’ve never heard of, you cannot hear them when they talk so fast?

Does it mean it is difficult to reach out to people you know, people you don’t know? Does it mean it is difficult, takes almost too much effort to volunteer to help in some small way? Does it mean that your help is more effort and bother for the other volunteers? Does it mean you don’t want to be a burden?

What is a burden? Is it a burden for you to find ways to be a joyful burden to someone else?

Is it easier for you to feel sorry for yourself and just turn inward? Is it an effort to move past turning inward to greeting a likely younger person with a smile?

Is this some of what it means to be an elder and be lonely?

:- Doug.

About dgermann

Elder Caring Lawyer
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